Roser Marsal Aguilera

Roser Marsal Aguilera is PhD in Archaeology from the University of Barcelona (UB), MA in Ancient Egyptian Language and Civilisation from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (IEPOA-UAB) and BA in History from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the UB after obtaining a Margarita Salas fellowship, which includes two one-year research stays as a visiting scholar. The first one at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History of the Uppsala University (2022-2023), within the project “Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Survey (Egypt)”, and the second one at the Institut d’Estudis del Pròxim Orient Antic (IEPOA) of the UAB (2023-2024), within the project “Studies of Egyptian funerary epigraphy in the Memphite region”.
Between 2015-2019, she has been an adjunct lecturer in the Department of History and Archaeology at the UB and, during the first semester of the academic year 2021-2022, in the Department of Antiquity and Middle Ages Studies at the UAB, teaching in the Master’s Degree in Egyptology and in the Bachelor’s Degree in Antiquity Sciences.
She is a researcher at the Water Research Institute (IdRA) of the UB and has been a member of the “Grup de Recerca sobre l’Arqueologia de la complexitat i els processos d’Evolució Social” of the UB.
She actively collaborates on research projects with the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES). Among them, the projects “Eco-Social behaviour of the Sierra de Atapuerca Hominins during Quaternary” and “Paleoenvironmental evolution and prehistoric settlement in the Francolí, Gaià, Siurana and river basins of the Camp de Tarragona”. With this research centre, she has gained experience in field and laboratory work at various prehistoric sites such as Atapuerca (Burgos), Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona), Cueva de Santa Ana and El Conejar (Cáceres), El Barranc de La Boella and La Cativera (Tarragona) and has been co-director of the Cova dels Xaragalls (Vimbodí-Poblet, Tarragona). She has also worked as an archaeological technician in the excavations of El Cavet (Cambrils), the Balma de la Griera (Calafell), the Cova del Trader (Cubelles) and the Cova Gran de Collbató, where she is currently co-director and has directed several emergency archaeological interventions for the private company “A PRIORI” in Tarragona. Internationally, she has participated in the In Africa Project: The role of East Africa in the evolution of human diversity (AdG-ERC) at the University of Cambridge in West Turkana (Kenya) and in the Sela Archaeological Project of the UB at the site of Sela (Tafila, Jordan).
He has carried out several research stays in foreign centres such as the British Museum (London) and the Institut du Proche Orient Ancien of the Collège de France (Paris). In 2018 she obtained the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) “Short Term Grant” and completed a research stay at the Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients / Assyriologie at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and at the Biblisch-Archäologisches Institut at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
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